Inference problems
The SimulatorInferenceProblem defines a probabilistic inverse problem from a given SimulatorForwardProblem, a solver for that forward problem, a prior for the simulator parameters, and a set of SimulatorLikelihood
s which relate the output of one or more observables to the data on which we wish to condition. In other words, the SimulatorInferenceProblem
fully specifies the probability model,
\[p(\phi,\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_n | y_1,\dots,y_n,\mathcal{M}) \propto p(\phi|\mathcal{M})\prod_{i=1}^n p(\sigma_i) \prod_{i=1}^n p(y_i|\phi,\sigma_i,\mathcal{M})\]
for some forward model $\mathcal{M}$ with parameters $\phi$ and a set of observables mapping to data $y_i$ each with noise model parameters $\sigma_i$.
— MethodSimulatorInferenceProblem(
Constructs a SimulatorInferenceProblem
from the given forward problem, prior, and likelihoods. Additional user-specified metadata may be included in the metadata
Likelihoods (or the lack thereof)
Each SimulatorLikelihood defines a likelihood or predictive distribution of some data given an observable defined for the simulator.
— MethodSimulatorLikelihood(::Type{distType}, obs, data, prior, name=nameof(obs)) where {distType}
Creates a SimulatorLikelihood
with the given distribution type, observable, data source, and prior distribtuion. A custom identifier may also be specified via the name
argument; by default, the name of the observable is used.
Note that the prior
passed to the SimulatorLikelihood
is the prior for the observation noise/error model, not the forward model. To illustrate this distinction, consisder as an example a simple classical linear regression:
\[\begin{align*} y_i &\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma) \\ \mu &= \beta x \\ \beta &\sim \mathcal{N}(0,1) \\ \sigma &\sim \text{InvGamma}(2,3) \end{align*}\]
In this case, the forward model parameters $\phi = \beta$ whereas the noise model parameters for the likelihood correspond to $\sigma$. Note that SimulatorInferenceProblem
always assumes that $\sigma$ is a priori independent of $\phi$!
Currently, SimulatoionBasedInference
defines the following types of likelihoods:
— MethodGaussianLikelihood(obs, data, prior, name)
Alias for SimulatorLikelihood(Normal, obs, data, prior, name)
. Represents a univariate Guassian likelihood.
— MethodIsotropicGaussianLikelihood(obs, data, prior, name)
Alias for SimulatorLikelihood(IsoNormal, obs, data, prior, name)
. Represents a multivaraite i.i.d Guassian likelihood with homoscedastic noise.
— MethodDiagonalGaussianLikelihood(obs, data, prior, name)
Alias for SimulatorLikelihood(DiagNormal, obs, data, prior, name)
. Represents a multivaraite i.i.d Guassian likelihood with heteroscedastic noise.
— MethodDiracLikelihood(
Represents a Dirac
delta likelihood function which assigns full probability mass to a single point, i.e. the predicted value of the simulator observable.
Likelihood "free" inference
One common use case of simulation-based inference is for so-called "likelihood free" models, i.e. models where the likelihood is either intractable or not well defined. For these cases, SimulationBasedInference
provides a special type:
— MethodImplicitLikelihood(
Represents a Dirac
delta likelihood function which assigns full probability mass to a single point, i.e. the predicted value of the simulator observable.
The implicit liklihood is virtually identiical to DiracLikelihood
in that the observable is compared directly to the given data. However, unlike DiracLikelihood
the ImplicitLikelihood
does not allow construction of a predictive distribution or evaluation of the log-liklihood since they are not defined.
Custom likelihoods
Currently, all likelihoods must be defined using the SimulatorLikelihood
type. However, new dispatches may be defined for SimulatorLikelihood
s of for new distribution families (i.e. distType
) or with specific types of priors.
All SimulatorLikelihood
s must implement the following method interface:
— Methodobservable(lik::SimulatorLikelihood)
Retrieve the SimulatorObservable
associated with this likelihood.
— Methodgetprior(lik::SimulatorLikelihood)
Return the AbstractSimulatorPrior
distribution associated with the parameters for this likelihood. Note that this is distinct from the prior for the forward model parameters.
— Methodpredictive_distribution(lik::SimulatorLikelihood, args...)
Builds the predictive distribution of lik
given the parameters in args
. This method is mandatory for all specializations of SimulatorLikelihood
— Methodsample_prediction([rng::AbstractRNG], lik::SimulatorLikelihood, args...)
Samples the conditional predictive distribution p(y|u)
where u
is the current value of the likelihood observable. This method is optional for specializations; the default implementation simply invokes rand
on the predictive_distribution(lik, args...)
Parameter spaces
All SimulatorInferenceProblem
s implicitly define a coupling between three parameter spaces: an unconstrained sample space $\Xi$, a constrained sample space $\Theta$, and the model parameter space $\Phi$. The "sample space" here refers to the parameter space defined by the joint prior distribution, i.e. the product of the model parameter prior and the noise model prior $p(\phi,\sigma) = p(\phi)p(\sigma)$. This is the parameter space of interest for the inference problem, i.e. for optimization or posterior sampling. There is a noteworthy distinction made here between the sample space of the model parameters and the actual model parameter space. This distinction arises for three primary reasons:
- Not all parameters defined by the simulator are necessarily included in the inference parameters. There may be some paraemters which are treated as constants because they are not of interest.
- It is often advantageous or convenient to reparameterize some parameters; e.g. parameters that have linear dependencies on each other can be reparameterized as linearly independent parameters in the prior.
- Hierarchical models may define additional parameters which are conditioned on by each model parameter.
We can express this more formally in terms of the above probability model as,
\[p(\phi | y,\pi) \propto p(y|\phi,\pi)p(\phi|\theta,\pi)p(\theta|\pi)\]
where $\phi = \pi(\theta)$ can be referred to as the prior model since it defines the statistical relationship between the sampled parameters $\theta$ and the "real" model parameters $\phi$. Note that the conditioning on the forward model $\mathcal{M}$ is here suppressed for brevity. In cases where $\pi$ is a deterministic mapping, the additional density terms $p(\phi|\theta)$ and $p(\theta)$ can be safely neglected.
The unconstrained parameters $\xi \in \Xi$ represent a (typically nonlinear) bijection $\theta = f(\xi)$ of the sample space $\Theta$ onto the real numbers $\Xi = \mathbb{R}^d$ where $d$ is the number of parameters. This bijection is often necessary in order to avoid problems with bounded domains in many sampling and optimization algorithms. Within the context of SimulationBasedInfernece
, we refer to f
as the bijetor, $\pi$ as the forward map, and $\pi \circ f$ as the unconstrained forward map. Note that other authors sometimes use the term "forward map" to additionally include the forward model $\mathcal{M}$. We instead refer to the full forward mapping as the joint forward model, i.e. $\mathcal{M} \circ \pi : \Theta \mapsto \mathbf{Y}$ where $y \in \mathbf{Y}$.