Forward problems

The SimulatorForwardProblem defines a forward map $\mathcal{F}: \Phi \mapsto \{\mathbf{Y}_i\}$ for $i=1\dots N$ from parameters $\Phi$ to a set of $N$ observables. Observables are functions of the simulator state that can be either diagnostics or true observable quantities that may be later compared to data.

A SimulatorForwardProblem is a wrapper around any other type of SciML problem that characterizes a simulator as well as one or more observables computed from the output of the simulation.

The simulator can also be defined by any arbitrary Julia function of the form f(::AbstractVector)::Any in which case the function is treated as a simple forward map from input parameters to some output type that is processed by the Observables.

SimulatorForwardProblem(f, p0::AbstractVector, observables::SimulatorObservable...)

Constructs a SimulatorForwardProblem from the callable/function f(x) and observables. The base problem will be a SimpleForwardProblem which wraps f(x) and uses p0 as the default parameter/input values for x.


Note that forward problems typically need to be defined with some initial input parameters:

p0 = ones(10)
forward_prob = SimulatorForwardProblem(sum, p0)

These parameters can be updated using the remake method from SciMLBase:

new_prob = remake(forward_prob, p=2*p0)

Solve interface

Like any SciML problem, SimulatorForwardProblem supports the SciML solve interface which allows the forward problem to be solved using any appropriate solver for the underlying problem.

For example, a ODE-based simulator can be solved using algorithms from OrdinaryDiffEq:

p = ComponentArray(α=0.1)
odeprob = ODEProblem((u,p,t) -> -p.α*u, [1.0], (0.0,1.0), p)
observable = SimulatorObservable(:u, state -> state.u, 0.0, 0.1:0.1:1.0, size(odeprob.u0), samplerate=0.01)
forward_prob = SimulatorForwardProblem(odeprob, observable)
forward_sol = solve(forward_prob, Tsit5())

The return value of solve for SimulatorForwardProblem is typically a SimulatorForwardSolution which wraps both the underlying solution type as well as the original forward problem and its corresponding observables.

For forward problems such as the ODE example above that involve iteration, the problem can also be solved iteratively using init and step!:

solver = init(forward_prob)
step!(solver) # one solver step
for i in solver
    # iterate until finished

# alternatively, solve!
sol = solve!(solver)